Introducing Rittle King all the way from the other side of the world! Ellie lovingly makes small runs of handmade ceramic products. We were lucky enough to have her whip a bunch up especially for us / you. Lets see what she has to say...
Hello Ellie! Hows life?
Hello! Life is going but definitely not my normal life at the moment.
Hows Melbourne?
Melbourne has been in and out of a pretty intense lock down for I think going on 8 months? I'm used to it now and I guess has been a good time to be productive / not productive ie drinking a lot of wine.
What are you up to today?
One thing we are allowed to do is go to the park with one other household so meeting some friends for more wine and a bit of much needed sun and socializing. I also walked the dog and she got swooped by a bird.
The name Rittle has a nice ring to it. It kind of sounds like it explains the act of making the products if you know what I mean. Like tinkering or "rittling". I'm going off on one, sorry. And King is your surname right? Where did the name come from? (Not Your surname) I actually googled the word rittle and the urban dictionary came up with the following.
RITTLE: The name for someone who thinks you're their best friend but really they are annoying as heck but the rest of the family are "really close friends," they really aren't but they think they are but you actually have real really good friends who always feel awkward around the rittle family because the rittle family acts like they are best friends with everyone. also a really annoying third wheel friend or family. "Yeah last night was fun with you guys too bad the rittles ruined it".
Hahaha that description is probably accurate- but no it was a nickname in high school from when I was 13 and just stuck. But yes I think it might have started because I was annoying and because my last name is King.
Everything is made by hand right?
How long does it take to make each item and what's the process?
Depends on the size and design but a big pot probably around 4 hours from start to finish- I build by hand, then they get fired then I paint on the faces :) It is definitely a process and I think I must have drawn over 20,000 faces at this point if not more haha.
Where did your love for ceramics / homewares start?
I've always collected ceramics and things found at op shops from as long as I can remember - I also have an ebay addiction. I blame my parents who are also the same.
The fun approach to ceramics and homewares is definitely refreshing. I like how you show your products as usable, playful and functional rather than some precious, poncey item that should be held on a pedestal and looked at but not touched. Is that intentional? The instagram account is a perfect example of that. It's your personal account as well as the business right? It adds a nice personal friendliness to the brand for sure.
I think that is just how I like to use and display my things, I went through a minimalist period (cringe I know) so I got rid of everything that I didn't use or 'give me joy' Kondo-style so it made me really think about what I needed in my life. Now when I make things I want people to actually use them.
Am I right thinking you had an online store at some point? What were you selling?
I also run an online shop called Coco Store which sells second hand clothing but because of covid it's currently on hold but will hopefully be back in business next year!
Where do you draw inspiration for the illustrations and the overall products?
Ebay 100% and just things I want to own myself I guess.
Top tracks you're listening to right now?
Oooh a tough one I've been listening to the old stuff getting nostalgic for the old days I guess Alice in Chains - Nutshell or any Alice in Chains really, the MTV unplugged on youtube is great. Crowded House - Fall at your feet Powderfinger - These days Mark A. Mitchell - How Can I? This is my drunk living room song currently & Lots of Steely Dan & Aphex Twins.
Thanks Ellie!
Check the selection of lovingly handmade beauties all the way from Australia here.